iP-D1836-D05-20 MODULE
This product is used for suppling the stable 5V power for those applications need the 5V power supply. The product is designed to use in the industrial environment, ability to supply the stable, low noise, enduring power source in the industrial environment.
Key features :
- Using isolated DC/DC module of Mornsun, ability to self-protect when shot-circuit or over current.
- Input power supply noise filter, fuse, input and output power supply leds.
- Using the spring contact connector, without screw driver, good contact ability.
- Power supply sharing via connector to support for other devices.
- The dimensions are compatible with standard dinrail.
Techical Specification :
- Input voltage : 18-36V
- Output voltage : 5V
- Output current max : 2000mA
- Output power : 10W
- Isolation voltage : 1500V
- Assembly method : Dinrail
- Dimensions (L x W x H) : 107 x 38 x 15 mm
- Other features : Integrated inlet & outlet power port
Block Diagram:
Download : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v8l2-NPbwRKLaQsPR5pQPNw7kkEPKdM-/view?usp=sharing